A man is talking to another man in front of him.

Qualities of a Successful Teen Drug Rehab in Memphis

Millions of teenagers across America are affected by serious drug or alcohol problems. Like adults, teens need professional help to recover from these problems safely. However, the needs of teens in substance treatment differ from the needs of adults in substance treatment. A well-designed teen drug rehab center understands this difference. Look for certain telltale…

A woman in white coat sitting next to a man.

3 Benefits of Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Today, over twenty million Americans have diagnosable problems with drugs or alcohol. All of these people need help from some kind of recovery program. If you struggle with drug or alcohol addiction, you can recover from substance problems by enrolling in an outpatient program in some cases. However, there is often a need for inpatient…

A woman in black shirt leaning against wall.

Difference Between Codeine vs. Hydrocodone

It is common after a serious injury or disease to need to take pain medications. Two of the most common are codeine and hydrocodone. Both of these drugs are opioids. They are prescription medications often given for short-term use in serious cases. So, what is the difference between codeine vs. hydrocodone? No matter which one…

A woman sitting on the couch talking to another person.

How to Increase Serotonin

Dopamine and serotonin are naturally occurring substances in your body that perform essential functions. Although they are very different chemicals, some people may use the terms “dopamine” and “serotonin” interchangeably. Some common drugs are designed to mimic the effects of dopamine or serotonin, and these drugs can be highly addictive. At Memphis Recovery Centers, our…